If you've got time to relax this coming weekend (or need to destress) and are looking for a great book to read, I highly recommend "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It's a classic, but a goodie. Especially relevant in this day and age.

In this book, Carnegie details the many ways worrying too much can ruin your life and how to solve it.
Did you know that reportedly more than half of all hospital beds are occupied by people with nervous and emotional problems?
Are you aware that worry can shorten your life?
Worry has contributed to stomach ulcers, heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, high blood pressure and mental illness.
Learn a three-step process to handle any problem without worrying:
1. Analyse the situation fearlessly and honestly. Figure out what is the worst that could happen.
2. Reconcile yourself to accept the worst that can happen
3. Devote your time and energy to try and improve on the worst that can happen.
Start by analysing your problem:
1. Get the facts. Unless you have the facts, you cannot even begin to tackle the problem.
2. Analyse the facts. Find out what the facts say about the problem you are facing.
3. Arrive at a decision and then act on that decision - and commit to it.
If tempted to worry about a problem, Carnegie suggests you write down answers to the following questions:
- What is the problem?
- What is the cause of the problem?
- What are all the possible solutions?
- What is the best solution.
Personally, I'd begin with an even more important question: Is the problem real?
Over 80% of the time, research shows, we worry about things that actually never eventuate.

Rules to break the worry habit:
1. Keep busy - distract your mind
2. Don't fuss about little things - and they're nearly all small things.
3. Again, ask yourself: "How likely is it that the thing I'm worried about will happen?" - Give it a percentage
4. Accept the inevitable. If it's going to happen and it's not in your control, accept it and move on.
5. Put a "stop-loss" order on your worries: Evaluate - does the thing you're worrying about and is giving you anxiety deserve THAT much attention, or not?
6. Leave the past where it belongs - be aware the past no longer exists, so don't dwell on it.
I would also add: Be aware of how the mind works. What you focus on (think about) you get more of. Comment or PM me if you would like a full copy of THE RULES OF THE MIND by Marisa Peer (my trainer & mentor)
Choose (and it is a choice) your thoughts, behaviours, habits and actions.
The only thing you have control over is your mind. You might not have control over external events or other people, but you can CHOOSE how you react to them.
- Be aware of your inner dialogue and choose words and the thoughts and pictures you present to your mind wisely.
- Love thy enemies - or at least let them go. You don't know their stories or the pain they're suffering. Wasting energy on thinking nasty thoughts about them or wanting to get even will only ever hurt one person. YOU.
- Don't care about what other people think of you (it's none of your business).
- Don't worry about ingratitude. Give without expecting gratitude. Unconditional giving research shows leads to greater happiness.
- Count your blessings. Be aware and grateful for all your blessings. Give thanks.
- Do YOU. Be your authentic self. Don't compare yourself with others or try to be anyone but yourself.
- Become resilient. Flip it! When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. - Create Happiness by serving others.
- Love yourself. Be kind, understanding and patient with yourself. Honour yourself. Speak to yourself as you would speak to your best friend.
RTT & Hypnosis offer the most powerful approach to understanding why you worry (will get to the bottom of your anxiety, limiting or negative thoughts). We can then smash beliefs that block you from having a positive mindset and code into your subconscious mind the mindset of the person you long to be, and deserve to be.
No willpower required, just a desire to be empowered.