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When I help you, you're helping abused Aussie Kids

Just Cause Australia Charity Logo. Black text on turquoise background with sun and house

I'm very proud to support Just Cause Australia.

Mindpower Transformations pledges 5% of all full-rate sessions to be donated to

Just Cause Australia.


Just Cause Australia was founded with just one goal in mind,

keeping Australian children safe.


I had the pleasure & honour of working with Michelle Winser as a member of her Executive Team at Destiny Rescue Australia, a not-for-profit that rescues sexually abused children in predominantly Asian countries.  We had been gently pushing for DR to include rescue operations here in Australia.  For a time, our calls to the President and the Board, which reflected the calls of our donors, were being considered and discussed, but sadly did not eventuate.


Hence, I applauded and supported Michelle when she decided, with another former member of our DR Executive Team, Tim Howard, to start their own charity and make her vision and heart's desire come true.


Michelle & Tim have worked tirelessly since mid 2020 to get this non-profit organisation off the ground.  In August 2021 they finally received their tick of approval from the ACNC. 


To have a thorough understanding of why the work of Just Cause is so important, the Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey (ABS, 2017) estimates that over 1.4 million Australians have experienced sexual abuse as a child. Of those, 58% first experienced sexual assault prior to their 10th birthday. Facts-and-stats_updated-Apr-2021.pdf (


Just Cause Australia have partnered with elite ex-military and police officers who are highly trained and efficient to identify and rescue these young children.

Once children have been safely removed, they are then taken to a safe location where they are assessed and counselling and medical appointments are arranged for them. Children are then cared for by a House Parent.


Even if you're not a Mindpower Transformations client or were or are the recipient of a discounted session rate, would like to make a difference and support Australia's most vulnerable kids, learn about the available opportunities below.  What ever you can do, whatever you can spare will contribute to making a life-changing difference in a child's life.



Blue butterfly

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